Ahha! These are my friends... and me, of course.
Chrissy ::*2 years ago*::
Chrissy *me* and Chris at the Mall, May 15, 2002
Christopher Matthew, my bestest friend
Me and Joey
Shane in surgery... looks like fun...
Me and Catherine
My boyfriend, Jordan. Cute, eah?
Me and Chris...again
Bee, Me and Nikki
Me and Shortman *Spriggs*
Shane... on happy gas
Mom and Mr. Mike *who is not naked lol*
Me and Bee
Mom :)
He's so pretty!
Er... uhm... Sexy Chris...
Grandma Chris
Chris and Chrissy... Ive decided to get rid of him.
Don't ask...
Poor Chrissy is soooo confused
The Crazy Irish Gypsy Lady
Thomas is awesomest
Old Alley :)
Little Chris
Me and Chris at the museum