Guest Book Page
I am Chrissy
I am cool
IM me
I am 15
I live in Washington
I go to BHS
I like apples
And kitty cats
Chris is my bestest friend
I'm a skater
Well, sorta
I have blue hair
So talk to me
Cuz I am Chrissy
Michelle- Michelle is my greatest friend...even more so then Chris. Shes always been there... in Southbend. But its ok, I dont mind. I get to see her a lot so its all good
Chris M- Chris is so great, he's my bestest best friend ever. He drools, and its funny. Hes quite gay, but no one minds. Me and Chris will always have the best memories :)br>
Shane- Bam Bitch! lol. Shane is so funny. He, like me, says the stupidest shit just out of nowhere. He goes to gay ass Marcus Whitman now :-( We all miss him, but he calls alot *mumbles* and knocks me offline. He's one of my few best friends hehe
Jordan- Yeah, hes my boyfriend. Hes so cool and really funny. He's the best guy I know, and thats pretty cool. I actually love him alot,hehe. We get along well because we are both kind of crazy...well, IM crazy at least...
Matt- He's like my big brother. He's totally cool unless you annoy him. He sticks up for me and is there for me, even if he does throw me in the pool in April form time to time.
Patrick- Great guy. Very sweet. And not gay. Oh! He's very cool and trys to like everyone. Um. He wants me to write more here so im doing so.
Onalee- Dennis's sister. Shes my girlfriend... Im just kidding. But we always tell people we're dating to creep them out. She funny and great to hang with. Shes one of my best friends, and I miss her alot.
Brandon- Ive know him since I was little little. Hes a pretty cool guy. Hes completely convinced Im, like, in love with him or something. Thats ok, self esteem is good, eah Brandon ;)
Nikki- Nikkis one of my best friends. Shes so cool and funny... she loves Dennis!! lol just kidding. Shes really awsome. Actually shes one of the only girls I ever talk to
Eryk- Eryk is awesome. He's fun to hang out with when your bored. And he protects me from creepy guys who wanna hit on me :) Chris and Eryk get along really well for some reason... lol!
Aaron- Fuck you, I hate you so much and if I see you, I think you had better take off your glasses cuz I just might punch you in the nose... grr
Jayme- Jayme and I have known eachother for...ever lol! Hairy braces!... dude whats that smell?
Juthamas- Juju is awesome! Her name sounds like candy and she and I argue about how many Linkin Park members there are.
Jacob- Jacob is crazy. And Irish. He lives in Oregon and he's really funny. And I'm currently trying to hook him up with someone so email me if your interested in an interesting...psycho...
... i know I'm forgetting someone... God, who is it? Ah well, if its you, tell me.
I love LINKIN PARK, THE OFFSPRING, Blink 182, Rammstein, Sum 41, Incubus, No Doubt, MXPX, Greenday, Silver chair, Savage Garden, Sugar Ray, Weezer, Slipknot, Poe, Alice in Chains, Jimmy Eat World, NOFX,
Nickleback, Staind, Rage Against The Machine, Orgy, AAF, The Cardigans, Ozzy, SomethingCorporate, 3rd strike, A Perfect Circle, Smashmouth, Harvey Danger, ICP, KoRn, Crazytown
Me and Michelle in 6th grade